+353 41 9839377 | info@redarrow.ie| Louth
Here is some more information about Irish, EU, and international laws and regulations regarding the security of freight and documentation. If you have any further questions, please get in touch.

ISO 17712
The International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) is the world’s largest developer of voluntary international standards.
ISO 17712 is the standard for freight container mechanical seals. The standard is reviewed every five years, it was reviewed and confirmed in 2018. Therefore the 2013 version remains the current standard for container seals.
“ISO 17712:2013 establishes uniform procedures for the classification, acceptance, and withdrawal of mechanical freight container seals. It provides a single source of information on mechanical seals which are acceptable for securing freight containers in international commerce.”
High Security Seal
A seal that is constructed and manufactured of materials such as metal or metal cable with the intent to delay intrusion (through the container doors). Generally removed with substantial bolt cutters.
Security Seal
A seal that is constructed and manufactured of material that provides limited resistance to intrusion and requires lightweight tools for removal.
Indicative Seal
A seal that is constructed and manufactured of material that can easily be broken by hand or by a simple snipping tool or shear.

Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT)
CTPAT is a voluntary security initiative launched by US Customs and Border Protection in Nov 2001, in response to the events of September 11, 2001. The purpose of the initiative is to improve the security of supply chains, in relation to terrorist activities.
Minimum Security Criteria, March 2020
Section 6. Seal Security
6.2 All CTPAT shipments that can be sealed must be secured immediately after loading/stuffing/packing by the responsible party (i.e. the shipper or packer acting on the shipper’s behalf) with a high-security seal that meets or exceeds the most current International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 17712 standard for high-security seals. Qualifying cable and bolt seals are both acceptable.
All seals used must be securely and properly affixed to Instruments of International Traffic that are transporting CTPAT Members’ cargo to/from the United States.
6.5 CTPAT Members (that maintain seal inventories) must be able to document that the high-security seals they use meet or exceed the most current ISO 17712 standard.
Acceptable evidence of compliance is a copy of a laboratory testing certificate that demonstrates compliance with the ISO high-security seal standard.
CTPAT Members are expected to be aware of the tamper-indicative features of the seals they purchase.
HM Revenue & Customs
Notice 205: Official customs seals and trader sealing, 28 April 2021.
Section 3. Trader sealing
3.2 Acceptable Trader Seals
3.2.2 UK standards
Group 1
Seals that can withstand a force of 1,000kg
Group 2
Seals that can withstand a force of 250kg
Group 3
Other acceptable seals
Trader seals must comply with the characteristics and technical specifications set out below to be acceptable to HMRC.
3.3 Essential characteristics
The seals must:
Remain intact and securely fastened in normal use
Be easy to check and recognise
Be manufactured so that any breakage or removal leaves traces visible to the naked eye
Be designed for single use, or if intended for multiple use, be so designed that they can be given a clear, individual identification mark each time they are re-used
Bear an individual identification mark, on the basis of which customs can identify the person concerned - the mark must be uniquely numbered
3.4 Technical specifications
The seals should have the following specifications:
form and dimensions of the seals can vary depending on the method of sealing used but the dimensions must be such as to ensure that identification marks are easy to read.
identification marks of seals must be impossible to falsify and difficult to reproduce material used must be resistant to accidental breakage and prevent undetectable falsification or re-use
Compliance Certificates
Testing and certification of security seals must be carried out and issued by an accredited independent third party.
The certificates of compliance and test lab results need to be viewed and downloaded directly from the manufacturer’s website.